Saturday, April 24, 2010

How well does hepatitis spread?

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how well hepatitis spreads? On a bank note I got from the machine might have had some blood on it, there was kind of a red mark along one of the side. It was slightly jagged but quite uniform so not sure if blood would make that kind of marking but was the colour blood could have been. I already used the note so just going by memory.

Anyway how well does it spred, like it touched the other notes I got from the machine which i put in my pocket which touched my phone and hand which has cracked skin on it. Don't think my hands directly touched the red mark. I'm kinda freaking out now that its touched a number of things I use frequantly. Can you get it this way?

I have heard hepatitis can survive in dry blood for up to four days, HIV not so worried about as that only has a few seconds in dry blood, is my worrying justiyed or not?

How well does hepatitis spread?
I really don't think you have anything to worry about. If the mark on the bank note was red, it was most likely ink and not blood and if you had no direct blood-to-blood contact with it, there's no risk for contracting any of the hep viruses.
Reply:Hep C can last 14 hrs up to 4 days yes. Are you over reacting? No. Here is a simple answer to your concern. What to use to remove HCV from environmental surfaces.

You should clean up any blood spills - including dried blood, which can still be infectious - using 1:10 dilution of one part household bleach to 10 parts of water for disinfecting the area. Use gloves when cleaning up any blood spills.

There are 7 forms of Hepatitis. A thru G. Hep. A most of the time your body can fight that one off w/out the use of medication. Hep B on you should get vaccinated for. Hep B was mandated for me due to working in a long term nursing facility. Series of 3 shots after that a titer should be done to make sure the shots took. Most doctors can do a full series of tests for Hep. thoroughly. If you need more information let me know. I'll do what I can to help.
Reply:No unless you had cut your hand and came in contact with the infected blood you are okay. I was told not to share nail clippers, toothbrushes anything that would spread my blood to someone else.

I think you will be fine. Just cause it touched all your stuff doesnt mean you will get it anyway it was most likely red ink not blood.

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